Social Media Toolkit

Social Media Graphics

Social Media Tips

Make it Easy!

Be sure to include the link to your Notre Dame Day page so making a gift to your deserving cause is only one click away.

Be Genuine!

Tell your friends and followers in your own voice why Notre Dame is important to you. Talk about your experiences both inside the classroom and out: your favorite professors, your passion projects, your student activities and sports, and the moments that defined your time as a student.

Share with your followers the ways in which you stay connected to ND and why you do so. Why do you give? Why do you volunteer? Help other alumni see why being engaged and giving back is critical to the experience of current Fighting Irish students.

Use Hashtags and Key Phrases

For Notre Dame Day-related posts, hashtags like #NDday and #NDloyal help associate your posts with the occasion. Let's get trending!

Get Tagging

Tag our accounts in your posts across all platforms (@ndloyal and @notredameday). When posting photos, tag friends who have profiles on those platforms (be sure to get their permission first).

Post photos of your time at ND and encourage friends to do the same. Photos of you and your friends repping the gold and blue, the leprechaun, team uniforms, dorm gear, and pics at iconic ND locations (think TDJ, the golden dome, the lakes). Get creative and get nostalgic!

Social Media Caption Templates

  • Are you ready for the eleventh annual Notre Dame Day?! Join in on the fun at! Giving is already open and the broadcast will be live April 23-24! #NDday

  • Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Notre Dame Day giving is LIVE! That means you can make a gift to a cause you are passionate about TODAY! Visit for more details. #NDday

  • This Notre Dame Day, I’m giving a boost to <cause you are passionate about> with a #NDday gift. You can, too, at <GiveGab Link>!

  • Amplify your impact on the Notre Dame causes you love this #NDday! Make a gift, tune in to the broadcast, and spread the word!

  • How do you love Notre Dame? Let me count the ways! 900+ causes, clubs, and residence halls are participating in Notre Dame Day 2024. Make your #NDday gift and show your love to your favorites!

  • I made a gift to <cause> this Notre Dame Day because <personal rationale for giving>. Make an #NDday gift to the Notre Dame cause, club, or residence hall that matters most to you!